Friday, September 5, 2014

Websites and Sweet Videos

Just wanted to hook up some links to my favorite whitewater paddling  web sites, articles, and videos.

I met most of the people I paddle with here in Washington through a forum called Professor Paddle.  I learned about this site from an old guy in Boise, Idaho on the banks of the Boise River.  He was so excited to talk to some kayakers and I was a newbie moving to Washington.  He had lived there prior to Boise and was very excited about my upcoming paddling opportunities.  It was really neat to meet someone so excited about his kayaking past!

These two sites are the ones I use most for networking, river information, and checking levels.  (Best Washington WW forum)  (Best general information US wide)

A local PNW boater (I think) has set up a sweet texting system to find out the most up to date levels.  Dial 41411 and type in "Level Skykomish"....there with be a responsive text asking which fork.  Text back and get the info you desire, including how fast the river is rising or dropping.  You can also select up to three "Level favs" to get quick up to date information on your top three favs! I use this a lot.

Below are some of my favorite kayaking videos available online.  There are always new ones, so I'll have to update this!  This is Ben Marr's Dream video.  It's so weird I love it.  It features people hucking off Husum Falls in the dark with their boats all lit up.  So much fun!  This is just a kick ass video and gives me goosebumps. I was introduced to this beautiful piece after coming back from a trip to Peru and Bolivia.  They are so right about the bugs in Central and South America, but seriously they are spot on about paddling and what's so amazing about it.  This one is a nail biter with Evan Garcia taking a big waterfall with a not so awesome outcome.  This flick is a sick trailer edit featuring paddling in Canada.  This video features a bit of history about the NF Payette in Idaho.  The best kayakers around come to the NF Championship to compete on these gnarly rapids.  2014 marks the first year a female paddler competed. Way to represent the ladies Katrina Van Wijk!  Lady boater, Kim Beckler, will fill you in on boofs and show you some sick moves in her video!  This video features Sam Grafton boating the local gnar that is Tumwater Canyon.  Really neat footage including some drone footage and a HUGE LOG!  Sam's skills are pretty amazing!

Hope you enjoyed these videos as much as I do.  

I've a got a few of my own on Vimeo too.  Check out some of my videos!

Anybody got some sick mountain biking videos to share?  Let me know...

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